
LR Health & Beauty SE
Kruppstr. 55
D-59227 Ahlen

tel. +49 2382 7658-0

Commercial register number: HRB 14367 Amtsgericht Münster

Manager: Dr. Andreas Laabs (CEO), Andreas Grootz, Patrick Sostmann

Tax-ID: DE 288245810

All pictures, texts and other depictions on this website are correct according to the LR Health & Beauty Systems sales program at the time of publishing. Subject to alterations.

Despite careful control, we accept no liability for text content of external links. The responsibility for texts on linked pages lies exclusively with the operating authority.

All programs, data and pictures are copyright. Copying or duplicating including data carrier, or transfer onto other systems need the express approval of LR Health & Beauty Systems. Otherwise a copyright offence is committed. LR Tradename and LR Trademark are legally protected.